Children are a special gift, given to us by God!

Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me…for the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to such as these.” (Matt. 19:14)

  • We are committed to loving and teaching children to experience and follow Jesus in ways that speak to a child’s heart, mind, and soul.

  • We strive to make each child’s experience at Hope Church child-centered, safe, age-appropriate, creative, and fun!

  • We provide Nursery Care (Infant - 3yrs) during the Sunday service. As age appropriate, children have a planned activity or craft, Bible story and playtime.

  • Children (4yrs - 6th Grade) are invited mid-service to Children’s Church.

  • In Sunday School we sing, learn a Bible story together, and discuss the story’s application to our lives.

Grades K4 - 5: Starlene Richardson, Director

Grades 1 - 3: Katie Love, Director

Grades 4 - 6: Ruth Castro, Director

*For safety of all, children must be picked up by parents or designated adult.